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This Program is designed in association with Insights Psychology Clinic in Dubai

As an Individual you will gain the knowledge and skills to discover and activate your mind potential and overcome your day to day emotional challenges.


  1. Discover and leverage the power of your mind
  2. Enhance your personal resilience
  3. Overcome your fears and anxiety
  4. Transform your lifestyle and gain control of your wellbeing
  5. Gain confidence when facing your challenges


By the end of the program you will:

•Understand the structure of Sress and Anxiety

•Recognise the cognitive, physical, emotional and behavioural impact the long-term effect

•Identify triggers

•Discover the power of your perception

•Differentiate between thinking styles that impact our feelings

•Practice the 3C model to deal with unhelpful thoughts

•Understand the linkage between thoughts, feelings and behaviour

•Practice calming techniques

•Focus on what you can control

•Get moving

•Different ways to finding positive distractions and combating boredom

•Reframe your thinking

•Ways to be kind to yourself and boost your confidence

•Develop growth mindset


Call us for special rate on counselling session with a licensed psychologist from the Insight Psychology Clinic

* Access to modules is granted for 3 months from the day of registration

BreakThrough- Mental Wellness Program

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